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Ian Boettger

How did Halloween become so indigenous? How did it become so assimilated and changed into our society? These are the questions that we have to ask ourselves and other not only about Halloween but other Holidays such as Christmas, Easter, Hanukkah, etc.

Well to begin this marvelous article it originated with the Celtic festival of Samhain. Samhain is where people would gather together and light bonfires while wearing outfits/costumes to ward off ghosts. As said by, in the eight century, Pope Gregory the 3rd designated to honor all saints on November 1st. It then later became assimilated into American’s society by having people run around neighborhoods trick or treating, having gatherings, carving out pumpkins into jack o’ lanterns, and eat sweet treats.

What we have made it into now is beyond what people may have expected back then. We have assimilated it dramatically making it how we wanted it to be. We now dress up especially kids and go trick or treating door to door getting candy, money, gift cards, snacks etc. Honestly it is nicer because you are a community to the people around you trying to make other people happy as well

We also not only have invented the trick or treating part but we also have made costume parties, frat parties, all these different kids of parties that we have made for these types of holidays to feel unique or to try and feel cool and to fit in. Especially when you’re in college you can if you want to go to lots of parties and even with some you can win certain prizes. Maybe we as Americans have made things better or worst because in all truth we have done some bad things as people and or as Americans.

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